Boar presence reduces fighting in mixed
slaughter-weight pigs
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, volume 33 (1992) page 273-276
T. Grandin and J. Bruning
Animal Science Department
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado U.S.A.

Mixing pigs prior to slaughter results in skin blemishes and loss of meat
- Two hundred pigs each weighing 104 kg were used in two
- They were crosses of Hampshire, Duroc and Yorkshire which had
been fed to slaughter weight on ad libitum concentrate rations.
Groups of 50 head of barrows and gilts
from five different feeding pens were mixed in a shipping pen prior to
- Half the animals were mixed with mature
- The other half were controls.
Boar presence
greatly reduced both the incidence and the intensity of fighting.
Pigs from the boar groups also had reduced skin blemishes.
These results indicate that boars
may be
used as a simple method to reduce fighting.
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