Emergency Slaughter for Injured Animals

- If a suffering, injured animal
arrives at a plant and a USDA inspector veterinarian is not available to
examine the animal, it may be necessary to perform an "Emergency
Slaughter" . USDA regulation 311.27 allows plants to perform such an
emergency act for humane reasons. The regulations requires that the
carcass and all parts must be held for inspection, with the head and all
viscera except the stomach, bladder and intestines held by the natural
attachments. If all parts are not kept in this manner for inspection, the
entire carcass will be condemned. When an inspector is available, the
held carcass and viscera will be inspected and may be passed or condemned
depending on the evidence.
- Animals that are sick, dying or have recently been treated with
drugs or chemicals and are presented for slaughter before the required
withdrawal period are not covered by emergency slaughter.